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Summersong Music Camp 2024 Survey
Please only complete if you attended Summersong Music Camp 2024 in Gerringong NSW
Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback on Summersong Music Camp 2024, this really helps us make a better camp experience for you and others. We take no offense to your constructive criticism as we welcome all points of view. We will genuinely consider everything you say but also cannot make promises or please everyone. This is a confidential survey, so I will not know who has responded. There is a section at the bottom if you would like me to contact you.
What did you think of the venue in the context of: Bedrooms, bathrooms, location, access, surroundings, workshop rooms, staff?
Please choose from below:
It was great - let try to book there again
It was mediocre - can take or leave it
I didn't like it - lets look elsewhere
Any further comments/suggestions on Venue?
Ongoing Tea/coffee / fruit / biscuits
What did you think of the Catering in the context of: Food, offerings, timing, portions, dining room, beverages and staff?
Please choose from below:
It was great - no complaints
I have constructive criticism below
Any further comments/suggestions on Catering?
Classes & Teachers:
Tony Backhouse - Gospel Acapella Choir
Ann Lehmann-Kuit - Song Creation / Ukulele & Beginner Guitar
Karl Farren - Intermediate Guitar / Band Lab
Shelly Brown - Vocal Technique
Paul Greene - Music Production
Pam Freeman - Morning Stretch & Move
What did you think of the Classes & Teachers in the context of: Teacher choice, delivery, class offerings, timings, content, learning, class numbers, rooms, facilities.
Please choose from below:
It was all great, keep going in that direction
I have constructive criticism below
Any further comments/suggestions on classes / teachers
Evening Activities:
Class introductions & Get to know you activities
Faculty Concert/Open Mic
Ceremony / Party night
Song Circles
Student Concert
What did you think of the Evening Activities in the context of: Activity, offerings, timings, content, sound engineering, facilities?
Please choose from below:
It was all great, keep going in that direction
It was ok, I have constructive criticism below
Any further comments/suggestions on Evening Activities?
Any other comments on Summersong in context of: Organisation, registration process, time of year, length of camp, cost, location, vibe of the camp or anything else?
What did you like most about Ssong 2024?
What could have been most improved about Ssong 2024?
SUGGESTIONS ON: Future dates, number of nights, new region/location, new class suggestions, teacher recommendations, new venues, promotion methods?
Do you have a skill, ability, talent etc. that you can offer the camp?
Would you like to write us a short review we can use to encourage others to attend Summersong? Thank you so much.
Name is optional and your feedback is 100% confidential. If you would like me to contact you to discuss your answers or wish to debrief your experience at camp with me, please also leave an email or phone number. Terri :)
Thank you so much for your time :) Remember to hit SUBMIT below!
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